Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Day Three

Attended: Warner Bros- Passion in story telling, Google master class- the rebrief, nike, Twitter, PHD & eat big fish - challenger brands 

My Final day in At Cannes Lions began with breakfast here: 

OK, that's a lie it was actually a black coffee and a croissant to stay the hangover from the Young Lions party the night before as I rushed to my first seminar of the day - Warner Bros. Passion in story-telling for television. Their guest speaking was Michael Patrick King who had a rousing call to the audience - "Let your creativity be your sword". He said at as storytellers it was our job to break archetypes and defend ideas in a fragmented world that has exploded into opinions. What really came across was his willingness to defend his ideas even when controversial and the reminder that as well as telling stories with passion we also have to sell these ideas in with just as much passion. 

I then attended the Google re-brief session in the young lions zone. This was my favourite sessions of the entire festival. Google have come up with a fantatsic approach to looking again about the industry's approach to the banner ad. They have contacted the curators behind some of the world's most iconic brand ideas such as Coke's "hill top ad" and Avis' " We try harder" - on of the worlds most successful "challenger brands".

It was fascinating to hear these creatives reminiscing about the inception of these campaigns and how they were able to utilise the power behind these idea and continue their effectiveness through new media. Their advice was to utilise the power of the idea. Google have created a documentary exploring the journey that these creatives went on with some creatives from Google which was screened on Friday at the festival - something I'm really looking I'm watching once it becomes widely available. 

The afternoon sessions were all seminars looking at the way a brand has launched an online  and fully integrated product as nike did with their fuel band. This seminar also bought up some interesting ideas about brands using other credits as currency and as an incentive and as an engagement metric. 

Twitter was up next, creating stories within a conversations. Twitter's CEO Dick Costolo spoke about Twitter's medium which, he feels is emotion. He put forward that the best way to operate a successful campaign in a multi facetted world of opinions is to run a reactive campaign. His argument is that in a medium such as Twitter where news and events are no longer filtered by a single view point but are reported and shared directly that we must creative campaigns with multi perspectives.

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